Event Calendar for: CM Farms LLC
Event Description:
Summer Fun Field Trip
9:00am, July 1, 2016
Our Summer Fun Field Trip will include:
*A wagon ride to see our cattle & sheep grazing in the fields along with our watermelon & cantaloupe field in full bloom & production.
*A lesson in where milk "actually comes from" with a LIVE MILKING DEMONSTRATION.
*A tour of our Historic Farm House that was built in the 1870’s.
*A tour through our Antique Barn that houses a historic corn crib along with antique farming implements.
* View our Brand Wall that is full of cattle and sheep brands.
*Walk through our Spinning Vortex that will test your balance and equilibrium.
*Bounce, bounce, bounce on the gigantic jumping pillow.
*Fun playtime on our farm playground that includes 2 tetherball courts, tire pyramids, dirt mountain with big slide, duck races, ring toss and more!
The guided trip will take 2 ½ to 3 hours plus playtime on the farm playground. The cost is $10.00 per child and parents. Up to 3 camp leaders will be admitted free. A sack lunch can be brought in or we can provide a hot dog lunch with chips and a drink for $5.00 per person.
Price: $10.00 per person
Total Capacity of this Event: 100 spots