Event Calendar for: Tuttle Orchards
Event Description:
Lunch with the Grower
12:00pm, April 25, 2019
Have gardening questions? Want to know what’s wrong with your plant? Bring your gardening questions and plant problems to lunch with the plant doctor. Mike, owner of Tuttles and resident grower, is offering his wisdom to us during these Lunch with the Grower times.
These are informal gatherings on Thursdays in April & May where you will be able to order lunch in the cafe and then sit down and join Mike for a discussion of whatever plant questions people have.
If you are wondering about specific plants, wanting to know what type of seeds are best, trying to figure out what fertilizers and soil to use, want to get started vegetable gardening, etc…this is the time for you.
Whether you are novice gardener or a Master Gardner, bring your questions for Mike to answer. He can also speak to home fruit tree care questions if you have those as well.
Dates are:
Thursday April 25th 12pm-1pm
Thursday, May 16th 12pm-1pm
There is no cost…if you wish to enjoy lunch while you chat you can order off the menu in the cafe and bing your lunch to the Q & A time.
To help us have an idea of how many seats are needed….you can sign up here.
Price: $0.00 per person
Total Capacity of this Event: 20 spots